Over the summer of 2023, I had the pleasure of working in Fanshawe's Sustainability department. During that time I did these two major projects for signage outside the main campus for the new Campus Energy Centre (Below) and inside the Chef's Table downtown creating signage highlighting their new recyclable and compostable food packaging (Shown above).
For both of these projects, we had a long planning phase, coming up with a solid layout plan as well as what content should be included. For the Chef's Table, I personally shot pictures of the packaging items, as well as close-cropping them and adding them to the layout. I also came up with the illustration, as the visual works to fill open space and is on-brand. 
The Banner was reworked several times per request, but ended on this, which is simple, clean and bold. We wanted to make students and staff aware that the construction going on around campus and close to parking lots were for the overall benefit of the buildings - an explanation in case it disrupted the usual route of someone's driving/parking.
Overall these projects involved a lot of collaboration among other staff and I but it was wonderful getting to put our heads together for some beautiful/useful results. 
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